Instructions for patching Snatcher v1.0 to v1.1 For patching the 5 disks version and you only have one diskdrive: Disk 1: Delete the following: autoexec.bas city.s07 snat019.s05 intro.s05 Copy the following: auto.bas (and rename is autoexec.bas) intro.cop city.cop snat019b.cop version.cop snat000.cop snat001.bas snat002.bas snat003.bas snat004.bas snat005.bas snat006.bas diskwis1.bas bntplay.bin Disk 2: Copy the following: snat007.bas snat008.bas snat009.bas snat010.bas snat011.bas diskwis2.bas Disk 3: Copy the following: snat012.bas snat013.bas snat014.bas diskwis3.bas Disk 4: Copy the following: snat015.bas snat016.bas diskwis4.bas Disk 5: Copy the following: snat017.bas diskwis5.bas